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Extending help to various relief camps

Extending help to various relief camps

The Rongmei Naga Baptist Association (RNBA) has been actively engaged in relief efforts to support victims of the devastating floods in Imphal, triggered by Cyclone Remal. Recognizing the urgent need for basic necessities, the RNBA has organized the distribution of essential supplies to those affected by the natural disaster. The relief efforts include the provision of dry rations, ensuring that families have access to staple foods that do not spoil quickly and can sustain them through the immediate crisis. Additionally, clean drinking water is being distributed, addressing the critical need for safe hydration amidst the flood conditions where water sources...

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The Program “Designing Strategy ” by The Bridgespan Group

We are happy to be part of the cohort team of the program ” Designing Strategy” by The Bridgespan Group, India. The Kick-Off event was grace with @Shridhar Venkat, CEO of Akshaya Patra Foundation. He has provided valuable insights that you can apply directly to designing and crafting your organization’s strategy. Hopping for brighter future through this program and good luck to all the partners. Little more about Bridgespan Group: The Bridgespan Group is a global nonprofit organisation that works to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in...


Workshop Alert

RNBA is organising a workshop on “Community Stewardship Assessment Toolkit on Carbon and Land”. from 17th -21st April 2024, at Florican Cottage, Manas National Park, Assam, in collaboration with Landstack and Foundation for Ecosystem Security (FES)The resource person includes:

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Solar Energy for a Brighter Life

Solar Energy for a Brighter Life

A Case study of Rural Electrification through Solar Home Lighting System in one of the Remotest Village in Noney District of Manipur Mr. Giangkhuan Kamei is an unemployed father and the middle child in a family of 3 siblings living with his old mother, wife and five children. He is 60 years old living in a small village called Okoklong which is situated in the interior part of the District, about 15 km away from Nungba Sub-Division HQ. The main sources of his family income are from earning daily wages from labour and selling of seasonal vegetables. There is irregular...

Bamboo Nursery Available

Bamboo Nursery Available

Local Bamboo ( Paam buan) nursery is available at Bwanruangh Taudaizaeng Village under Nungba Block in Noney District of Manipur at lowest price of Rupees Twenty only per Plant. Bamboo is the fast growing multipurpose plant species used in a variety of applications like handicrafts, furniture, building construction, mats, bamboo shoots, etc. For any queries please contact Mr. Salem Rongmei +917085345419

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