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Realm of Nature Based Action RNBA is a grassroots, not-for-profit, non-religious and non-governmental organisation with a key focus on socio-economic and rural development in Manipur, Nagaland and Assam. At present, the organisation is working in areas such as Natural Resource Management, Livelihood, Land Rights and Entitlements, Education all to address the complex multidimensional developmental challenges faced by Tribal communities. RNBA also boasts a Regional Resource Centre for the capacity building and organisation development of other NGOs, CSOs and leaders. With over 350 villages impacted, we also have a network of partner NGOs in Northeast India.

RNBA is working with 17 partners NGOs in thematic issues like sustainable natural resources management and livelihood, Food Security, Women Empowerment, Engagement with Youth, Renewable Energy and education. Read more