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Extending help to various relief camps

The Rongmei Naga Baptist Association (RNBA) has been actively engaged in relief efforts to support victims of the devastating floods in Imphal, triggered by Cyclone Remal. Recognizing the urgent need for basic necessities, the RNBA has organized the distribution of…

Workshop Alert

RNBA is organising a workshop on "Community Stewardship Assessment Toolkit on Carbon and Land". from 17th -21st April 2024, at Florican Cottage, Manas National Park, Assam, in collaboration with Landstack and Foundation for Ecosystem Security (FES)The resource person includes: Ms.…

Solar Energy for a Brighter Life

A Case study of Rural Electrification through Solar Home Lighting System in one of the Remotest Village in Noney District of Manipur Mr. Giangkhuan Kamei is an unemployed father and the middle child in a family of 3 siblings living…

SRI and IFS exposure field trip

PHDO organised a cross learning in SRI and IFS on 27th July 2018. The cross learning was attended by CWG and RNBA farmers and staffs, totalling to a number of 16 farmers (16 female CWG and 7 male from RNBA).…

48 farmers visit Nongshangkhong village for Cross learning

On 27th September 2017 exposure visit was organised for 48 farmers, 28 female and 20 male. It was organised at demonstration farm on integrated farming system at Nongshangkong village, Ukhrul district. The demonstration farm was designed by best farmer’s state…

Seed fair Mela

Seed fair Mela cum local seed exchange program was held on the 17th April 2017 at CWG office. Some villages could not attend due to sudden bandh imposed on the day we organised the program. During the Mela participants got…

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