The women-led Common Interest Groups (CIGs) of Mapao Thangal and…

Solar Energy for a Brighter Life
A Case study of Rural Electrification through Solar Home Lighting System in one of the Remotest Village in Noney District of Manipur
Mr. Giangkhuan Kamei is an unemployed father and the middle child in a family of 3 siblings living with his old mother, wife and five children. He is 60 years old living in a small village called Okoklong which is situated in the interior part of the District, about 15 km away from Nungba Sub-Division HQ. The main sources of his family income are from earning daily wages from labour and selling of seasonal vegetables. There is irregular electric supply for the village since 2004 in spite of launching of ambitious schemes of the Government of India to achieve 100% rural electrification in India.
Community meeting was held frequently at his residence as his house is located at the village heart. During rainy season ranging from May to July every year, electricity is very irregular and uncertainty in electricity supply as the line cut due to falling of trees and heavy rainfall. He used kerosene lamps and candles as the only source of light for lighting every night keeping in minds the safety guidelines when children and pets are present.
The difficulties part is having food, studies and meeting under a dimmed light of kerosene lamp and candle lighting which have limited utility. No feeling of comfort in resting under dark and dimmed light after a long day of hard work. Apart from paying electricity bill, extra expenses have gone up for buying kerosene and candle.
In August 2019, it was of great help for him when SELCO Foundation Bangalore in partnership with Rural Mangaal, Imphal has been installed solar home lighting system at his house through RNBA, his family is now happy to see bright light every night, no tension for having food and his children to learn. Conducting community meeting is no more a headache for the family and the villagers.
“I have experiencing the benefit of solar home lighting system on four things” Mr. Giangkhuan narrated.
- Pleasingly using light at night without spending extra money from our minimum earning.
- No short circuit & burning of house can happen in solar as electric current do.
- Less tension for long 3 months during rainy season and also for the whole year.
He said “Knowing someone there for us, I and my family owed to them greatly, great relief come in my life, for I will narrate the importance of light in our life to my neighbours and friends”.