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Do No Harm (Local Capacity of Peace Project) – In the mid-1990s, the Local Capacities for Peace Project (LCPP) was launched to investigate the relationship between aid and conflict. The Project is a collaborative effort involving international and local NGOs: the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCS), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), World Vision (WV), UN agencies, and European and American donor agencies (USAID, CIDA, SIDA). Spearheaded by Mary B. Anderson of the Collaborative for Development Action (CDA), the LCPP set out to answer the following question: how can humanitarian or development assistance be given in conflict situations in ways that, rather than feeding into and exacerbating the conflict, help local people to disengage and establish alternative systems for dealing with the underlying problems? Lessons learned from the field experiences of aid providers working in conflict situations around the world were compiled into a booklet, and more recently into a book (Anderson 1999). RNBA is following the 7 steps of Do No Harm framework in order to enhance peace and harmony in the state of Manipur.

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