RNBA organises various training and capacity building programmes for its partners and beneficiaries. The main thematic areas are on livelihood, natural resource management, rights and entitlements, institutional building such as formation and linkages of VDC, SHGs, VLF & FPO.
There have been excellent examples of such sustainable and integrated farming practices, created through other projects in different parts of the countries. RNBA and Partners expose the project team and farmers to such learning .
Considering the differences in language, ethnicity, exposure receptivity and knowledge levels of farmers across partners, staffs are trained/exposed differently, which an external resource person cannot manage. Therefore, RNBA and Partners adopt a two-tier approach, of first training the trainers who may be project staff or educated resource farmers, who in turn train the farmers.
Considering the need and impact of animated communication on the farmers, Government and private sector extension programs prioritize use of pictorial and local language posters, banners, and flyers. This is proven media to provide farmers with opportunity to repeatedly see and memorize new technologies. RNBA and Partners use tested approach to develop IEC materials on SRI, IFS, Pollinators/Natural Predators, Organic inputs, Group farming, Marketing, which are made available in project villages.
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